• dental crowns and bridges near me

Dental Crowns & Bridges


A dental crown or cap is seated over a damaged, misshaped or discolored tooth. Crowns are used to rebuild a tooth following a root canal. Crowns are used for both restorative and cosmetic dentistry and provide support to weakened or broken teeth. Crowns also act as an anchor for bridgework.


A dental bridge is used to cover the gap where a missing or damaged tooth once was. Bridges require support at both ends and fitting dental bridges requires reshaping and capping the surrounding teeth on both sides of the missing tooth in order to hold the bridge securely.

While dental bridges are primarily a cosmetic procedure, they are also essential to your dental health. Without a dental bridge in place of missing teeth, the remaining teeth can shift position, alter your bite, cause jaw pain and headaches as well as increase your risk of periodontal disease.

dentist for crowns in cumming